Job hunting 101: tips to help you ace your job interview

A job interview is the first time that future employers will meet you for the first time, this means that you need to be well prepared to make a good impression. Picture:

A job interview is the first time that future employers will meet you for the first time, this means that you need to be well prepared to make a good impression. Picture:

Published Jun 11, 2024


Sitting through a job interview can be a nerve-racking experience whether it is your first one or you have been through the job process before.

In a tough job market it can be different to stand out from the rest of the candidates but a job interview can help you make your mark with employers and impress them.

Rajan Naidoo, managing director, EduPower Skills Academy offers tips to help you prepare for a job interview so you face it with confidence:

  • Be well prepared for the interview. You can do this by researching potential questions you may be asked, then rehearsing the answers to the question especially questions that relate to you as a person as well as technical questions.
  • Always greet the interviewer or the panel of people that are interviewing you politely and professionally before as well as after the job interview.
  • Walk into the interview room that you are confident in your demeanour, posture and speech. While confidence is key you need to to avoid over-confidence.
  • When you are being interviewed only answer the questions you are being asked. Avoid irrelevant information or speaking too much to fill in space.
  • Be prepared to reaffirm the content of your
  • Going in for an interview is the first time that a future employer will see you face to face. To make a good impression be neatly attired and well-dressed for the interview.

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