4 ways to jazz up your exercise routine

Four ways to jazz up your exercise routine. Picture: Gustavo Fring/ Pexels

Four ways to jazz up your exercise routine. Picture: Gustavo Fring/ Pexels

Published May 6, 2021


Running, going to the gym, or even simple home workouts may feel like a punishment, especially if the routine is the same every day.

There are ways to ensure that you enjoy your exercise sessions without feeling like you're being punished, if you're a part-time 'fitness bunny' like me, meaning you don't work out every day but it's a part of your lifestyle.

If something is going to be a part of your lifestyle, it has to be fun, right? I've created a list of ways to jazz up your exercise routine and make it more enjoyable.


Yes, it's exactly what you think it is, dancing! It features upbeat music. Health benefits include weight loss, memory enhancement, and it may reduce heart problems. This is a fun way of burning some calories and keeping fit without feeling like you're slaving away.


Aerobics is an exercise that involves music and a variety of structured movements like jumping or skipping. Although slightly similar to dancercise, this form of exercise works more on toning your body.


You are still exercising even if you aren't jumping up and down. Yoga is not just doing stretches. Health benefits include improved balance and flexibility, back pain relief, boosts mood, and helps with better sleeping patterns.

Walk date

Have a 'walk date' with a friend at least once a month. Beaches or parks are a good idea. The Sea Point promenade is a great place to start, for safety reasons. Walks contribute to tons of health benefits like burning calories, strengthening your legs, among other benefits.

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