This is what happened on January 19

Filming of the movie about the Stander gang of the 1970's in Johannesburg. The lead actor, Thomas Jane, who plays Andre' Stander, waits for the next scene to be filmed. Picture: Archives/Kim Ludbrook

Filming of the movie about the Stander gang of the 1970's in Johannesburg. The lead actor, Thomas Jane, who plays Andre' Stander, waits for the next scene to be filmed. Picture: Archives/Kim Ludbrook

Published Jan 19, 2023


14 Interesting and noteworthy events of regional or international importance that we can relate to

1817 An army of 5 500 men, in a daring march, crosses the Andes from Argentina, to liberate Chile and Peru from Spain.

1825 Using tin cans to store food is patented.

1900 Boer General JP Snyman sends a starving group of Black women, who have been encouraged by the British to attempt a breakout, back to Mafeking under a white flag. However, Colonel Baden-Powell objects and threatens to shoot them if they advance.

1935 The world’s first men’s briefs go on sale in Chicago. They are called ‘Jockey’.

1945 Soviet forces liberate the Łódź Ghetto. Of its 200 000 inhabitants in 1940, fewer than 900 survive the German occupation.

1978 One of the most popular cars ever, the Volkswagen Beetle leaves VW’s plant in Emden, Germany, for the last time. Some 21.5 million were built at various plants.

1981 US and Iranian officials sign an agreement to release 52 Americans held hostage at the US embassy for 14 months.

1984 The notorious Stander gang of bank robbers rob three banks in less than an hour in Johannesburg. The gang’s leader is a bored policeman, who commits the crimes during his lunch hour and then returns as the investigating officer. At one point he was the youngest captain in the police, as well as the son of a respected general. It has been thought he was affected by his time in the army in Angola, or during township duties as a policeman. He is shot dead in Florida, US.

1990 Police baton-charge and tear gas a crowd protesting about Mike Gatting’s England rebel cricket team, at Jan Smuts Airport.

1999 A storm at Mount Ayliff, in the Eastern Cape, leaves 22 people dead and 4 000 homeless.

2001 Mexican drug lord El Chapo makes a daring escape from prison in a laundry cart.

2013 Lance Armstrong finally admits to doping in all seven of his Tour de France victories.

2017 A high-rise building collapses in Tehran, killing 20 fire fighters.

2022 A report on antimicrobial resistance shows 4.95 million deaths worldwide associated with drug-resistant bacteria, making untreatable infections a leading cause of death.

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