How Covid-19 is changing the recruitment process



Published Apr 14, 2021


By Eugene Yiga

In today’s online world, it just isn’t feasible for a human being to process hundreds and sometimes thousands of CVs in response to a job application. That’s why machines are now doing it instead. Indeed, thanks to Covid-19, there are even more digital changes ahead.

“The nature of work is being reshaped in front of our eyes,” says Marc Privett, General Manager of Careers24 and at Media24. “For many of us the idea of nine hours a day five days a week in office will be a thing of the past.”

Leading organisations want to streamline the recruitment process to make more efficient hires through data-driven processes and solutions. This transformation results in an agile organisation ready to adapt to the rapid evolution of technology.

“Whether you planned for it or not, Covid-19 has accelerated the digitisation of our workforces, driven primarily by the need to adopt work-from-home strategies,” Privett says. “For better or for worse, Zoom and Microsoft Teams have replaced in-office meetings. And contact-centre support is now run from the homes of employees.”

Some organisations have adapted better than others, in the same way that some employees have struggled while others have excelled. That’s why it’s more important than ever for companies to hire people who can manage change.

“Success isn’t possible without a couple of key ingredients,” Privett says. “The first and most obvious is a clear strategy from the top. The second is the ability to mobilise a team in challenging times. The third is the ability to adapt to the situation at hand. And the last is digital transformation.”

Indeed, one of the key areas to focus on in our new way of working is digital transformation. The first element of this transformation is the digitisation of processes. The second is the digitalisation of organisations, by embracing these tools.

“Poor implementation of technology can sometimes do more harm than good, especially if the experience is negative,” Privett says. “So, when you embark on your digital transformation journey, it’s imperative that you put people first, whether it’s your customers, your audiences, or your colleagues … If you have the ability to embrace and effectively manage the challenges that are thrown at you, there’s no reason why you should not only survive but thrive and come out the other end stronger.”


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