Media personality Mamohau Seseane on using her platform to make a difference

MEDIA personality Mamohau Seseane. | Supplied.

MEDIA personality Mamohau Seseane. | Supplied.

Published Jun 19, 2024


RENOWNED media personality Mamohau Seseane has her hands full juggling a radio career and being an entrepreneur.

While also working as an MC (master of ceremonies), a voice-over artist and a model, the 947 radio host is also completing her law degree in order to fulfil her other passions, which relate to human rights, women empowerment and social justice.

“I am quite a purpose-driven woman, passionate about making a positive difference in people’s lives and the idea that we are each given this one life, with our own gifts and talents, with which to do good work,” she explained to “Independent Media Lifestyle”.

“My career has ignited my passion for culture, storytelling, engaging audiences and human connection.”

Seseane added that she is passionate about women empowerment and finding ways to address human rights and socio-economic issues which plague society.

“All in all, my greatest passion is people.”

As part of her mission to empower women, Seseane has worked with The Justice Desk’s 2020 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Campaign, which is an internationally-recognised and award-winning Queen’s Young Leaders human rights NPO, which aims to empower local people, to understand and defend their human rights.

The media personality has also been volunteering at the Frida Hartley Women’s Shelter, a haven for destitute women and children in Yeoville, Johannesburg, while also raising funds, organising events and interacting with the residents at the Benoni Child Welfare.

“I have always had a heart for women and children’s rights issues and I got involved in such initiatives from a young age,” she explained.

“My law path was born from a strategy to educate myself and be equipped in being able to do meaningful work with a human rights, women empowerment and social justice focus.”

MEDIA personality Mamohau Seseane. | Supplied.

And when Seseane is not working as an agent of change, she is spreading positivity and entertaining listeners through the airwaves.

From last month, she started presenting “947 Weekends with Mamohau” every Saturday and Sunday. Her shows focus on family as well as music as she inspires good vibes to all those listening.

And while she is thrilled to have landed this prominent radio hosting gig, Seseane’s success was years in the making.

“I applied at the campus/community station MFM92.6 in my first year at Stellenbosch University, and, a year later, to my absolute surprise, I was scouted by Kfm 94.5, the number one commercial station in Cape Town,” she explained.

“It was then that I started to really hone my skills, grow, learn and delve into radio and entertainment as a career path.”

But her dream has always been to be a 947 radio host.

“I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be a presenter at 947, a station I grew up listening to, but it’s never lost on me that God had great plans for me that I did not yet have for myself.”

Seseane has since enjoyed her time on radio and has been using her time on the airwaves to make a difference.

“Radio is such a powerful medium for storytelling and immediate connection, where so much can happen,” she said.

“You have the power to draw listeners' attention, make them feel something, think about something, laugh at something.

But in everything she does, her ultimate aim is to make a difference.

“I hope to engage audiences through my radio and voice-over work and while I am MC’ing, in a way that has a lasting impact.”

And with so much on her plate as she works towards achieving all her goals, Seseane admitted that it was challenging to balance her busy lifestyle.

“It’s certainly not always easy and there are always many balls to juggle and it can be challenging to give the requisite attention and time each requires,” she said.

“I am cognisant of minimising distractions, five minutes of social media scrolling can turn into hours.”

“Every Sunday night, I plan my week and every night before bed, I plan for the next day, ensuring to slot in time for things I need to keep going such as studying, gym, eating well and connecting with loved ones.”

“I have had to learn to say no when necessary to preserve my energies, to ask for help when needed and to listen to my body. I pray for strength every day and remind myself: You can do hard things.”

And if she isn’t already busy enough, Seseane is in the process of adding television work to her repertoire with a soon- to-be-announced television project.

This TV project will showcase her love for Africa and is set to put her presenting skills in the spotlight.

For those who wish to follow in her footsteps, her advice is simple yet profound: “Work hard, know yourself and be unashamedly yourself.”