Booking a flight is generally expensive for many travellers. Most prices increase during peak season and the holidays as more people travel during these times.
If you are dreaming of an escape, but unsure which airline to book when you travel this upcoming holiday, IOL Travel showcases the cost of flight tickets on Kulula, Mango and FlySafair, while new airline Lift is not yet open for bookings.
The calculations
We chose the cost of tickets on flights between December 24 (departure date) and December 31 (return date). Please note dates of flights may increase or decrease due to demand or lack of.
Durban to Johannesburg
The 1 hr 5 minutes departure and return flight starts from R801.98, making the total cost R1603, 96.
Johannesburg to Durban
The 1 hr 5 minutes departure and return flight starts from R801.98, making the total cost R1603, 96.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
The 2 hour flight to Johannesburg costs R 882.48 while the return flight to Cape Town costs R1 158.48. IOL Travel found that the latter was in demand, with only a few seats available. The total cost is R2040, 96.
Johannesburg to Cape Town
The 2 hour 10 minute flight to Cape Town costs R 1 158, 48 while the return flight to Johannesburg costs R882.48, making the total cost R2040, 96.
Durban to Cape Town/ Cape Town to Durban
There were no flights available on the airline. However, since they restarted their operations this week, it could be added in soon.
Durban to Johannesburg
The 1 hour 10 minute flight from Durban to Johannesburg starts from R621 while the return flight rate starts from R621. The total trip will start from R1242.
Johannesburg to Durban
The 1 hour 10 minute flight from Johannesburg to Johannesburg starts from R772 while the return flight rate starts from R621. The total trip will start from R1393.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
The 2 hour flight to Johannesburg starts from R920 while the return flight to Cape Town starts from R1122.
The total cost will start from R2042.
Johannesburg to Cape Town
The 2 hour 15 minute flight to Cape Town starts from R1422 while the return flight to Johannesburg starts from R1223, making the total cost R2645.
Durban to Cape Town
Only two flights were available on this route from Durban to Cape Town, the cheapest being R1922. The return flight to Durban starts from R1522. The total cost is R3444.
Cape Town to Durban
Flights from Cape Town to Durban start from R2122 while rates from Durban to Cape Town start from R1622. The total cost starts from R3744.
Durban to Johannesburg
The 1 hr 5 minutes departure flight starts from R859, 48 while the return flight starts from R859, 48. The total cost is R1718,96.
Johannesburg to Durban
The 1 hr 5 minutes departure flight starts from R859, 48 while the return flight starts from R859, 48. The total cost is R1718,96.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
The 1 hour 55 minute flight leaving Cape Town International Airport starts from R997,48 while the return flight starts from 1215,98. The total cost starts from R2213,46.
Johannesburg to Cape Town
The 2 hour 10 minute flight from Johannesburg starts from R1503.48 while the return flight starts from R1110,98. The total cost starts from R2614,46.
Durban to Cape Town
The 2 hour 15 minute flight from Durban starts from R1802,48 while the return flight costs R1330,98. IOL Travel found that this route was popular and limited seats were available. The total cost starts from R3133,46.
Cape Town to Durban
The 1 hour 55 minute flight cost R2526.98 (there is only one flight departing to Durban that day) while the return flight starts from R1480.48. The total cost starts from R4007,46.