Increase your child’s activity levels with these simple tips

Be active with your kids. Picture: Agung Pandit Wiguna / Pexels

Be active with your kids. Picture: Agung Pandit Wiguna / Pexels

Published Jul 27, 2024


In today’s digital age, it’s easy for children to become couch potatoes.

However, regular physical activity is crucial for their mental and physical health.

Not all kids have to be sports stars like the Williams sisters were, but they do have to be active in one way or another.

Here are some tips to motivate your kids to start moving and embrace an active lifestyle.

Lead by example

Children often mimic their parent’s behaviour. If you want your kids to be active, show them how it’s done.

Engage in physical activities as a family, whether it's going for a bike ride, playing in the park, or dancing together. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.

Do activities together as a family. Picture: Freepik

Make it fun

Exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore. Turn the physical activity into a game or adventure.

Hide-and-seek, tag, and obstacle courses are great options for younger children.

For older kids, consider joining a sports team, taking dance classes, or trying out a new outdoor activity like hiking or skateboarding.

Limit screen time

It’s important to set boundaries for screen time. Excessive exposure to electronic devices can reduce physical activity.

Establish screen-free zones and times to encourage outdoor play and other activities.

Create an active environment

Transform your home into a play zone.

Provide toys and equipment that encourage movement, such as balls, hula hoops, and jump ropes.

Create a designated play area indoors or outdoors.

Child playing with a hoola hoop. Picture: Yan Krukau / Pexels

Incorporate exercise into daily routines

Find ways to sneak in physical activity throughout the day.

For example, walk to the corner shop, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and do jumping jacks or stretches during ad breaks when watching TV.

Celebrate achievements

Recognise and reward your child’s efforts. Celebrate milestones, such as learning a new skill or completing a race.

This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue being active.

Listen to your child

Every child is different. Pay attention to your child’s interests and preferences.

If they enjoy dancing, sign them up for dance classes. If they love animals, consider taking them on nature walks.

Remember, the goal is to make physical activity enjoyable and sustainable.

With a little creativity and encouragement, you can help your child develop a lifelong love of movement.

IOL Lifestyle